Machina Fatalis presents a new exhibit on Steampunk. Titled Steampunk: The Fiction & the Non-Fiction, the exhibit discusses the development of steampunk from a literary genre to an activist movement. Four elements of Steampunk are showcased: literature & film, the maker aspect, music & fashion, and art & activism. The highlights of the exhibit are a Sojourner keyboard graciously loaned by
Datamancer, and an original collage by
Winona Cookie. A number of library events have been planned to accompany the exhibit, including showings of Steamboy & Castle in the Sky, a craft day making a Steampunk lamp, and a day devoted to Dr. Steel. The exhibit is on display from February 16th to March 15th, 2009. The exhibit and all events take place at the San Carlos Public Library located at 7265 Jackson Drive, in San Diego. Full event details, including dates & times can be found at the
San Carlos Friends of the Library website. A Machina Fatalis viewing will be arranged in the near future. Check this page for details when they are available. For those that cannot make the exhibit in person, you can view the exhibit and its creation on our flickr page at