Welcome Summer!
Miss Emmaline Pierpont, has organized a most stimulating afternoon for all on June 14, 2009 at 12:30 p.m.Dress in your finest costumes, and bring your picnic lunch, rugs/chairs, etc. We will be meeting on the lawn to the left of the Botanical Building-Lily Pond. Lunch and conversation at 12:30, followed by the scavenger hunt at approximately 1:30 p.m. Learn a little history while having fun!
We will be breaking into teams. Each team will receive a set of clues and will have one hour to find them. Make sure at least one person on your team has a digital camera or a cell phone camera, because as you find each clue, you will be taking a picture of it for proof! First team back to home base with all the clues is the winner! There will be (silly) prizes.
There will be at least one or two people at home base (picnic area) to guard your personal belongings, so you don’t have to worry about running everything back to your car before the hunt. If possible, please RSVP so we know how many prizes to have on hand. See you there!